Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Moz Dev Days - Not what I expected

Mozilla Developer Day - Tuesday

On Tuesday I was at the second day of the Mozilla Developer Day and it was not what I had expected. After looking at the schedule I had assumed that I would be shown, taught and walked-through how to create addons using XUL in the XUL add-on workshop. Now, I have never been to a conference or to a workshop at a conference. I probably should not have had any expectations but I did. What ended up happening was more of a free-for-all. The people in the group expressed what they were interested in and the Mozilla Guys tried to work with each person to help them progress in these areas. This was not what I had expected but I enjoyed the approach.

What Happened in the Workshop

I was interested in learning about XUL and how to use it to create an application. Mark Finkle explained how to get started on the creating a bare bones application in XUL. More importantly he explained where to find information on how to get started cause that's half the battle.

Getting Started with XULRunner

Meeting with Ted Mielczarek

My project for OSD ( Open Source Development ) course is looking at the bugs found during the PGO ( profile guided optimization ) builds. Ted was fun to talk to and with in five minutes gave me some direction to start with. I will start with building Firefox on my Windows computer and then add the profile guided optimizations and then we'll go from there. After meeting and talking with Ted I feel better about tackling this project.

The Mozilla Guys

I really enjoyed have the Mozilla guys at Seneca. It was great having so many knowledgable and experienced developers in one room. The main thing I noticed was how down to earth the guys are. I don't know the really cool technology they are developing and at no time did I feel as if they were talking over my head. I would definitely go to another conference with these guys.

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