Thursday, September 18, 2008

Firefox Lab

I built firefox yestarday ( Sept 17th ) and created my FireFox build page today. I didn't understand the directions for making my build page so I called it Firefox build and then realized I should call it cbishop Firefox build and created a new page. Now I can't figure out how to delete Firefox build page and tried to move it to cbishop Firefox build page 2. I'm gonna get kicked off the wiki if I keep this up. HAHA!

The build went pretty smooth for me. I wrote down the steps I took to build FireFox on Windows XP with Visual Studio 2008 compiler. I haven't gone through the steps to verify if they are complete. I'll do that soon.


I have been spending a lot of time just writing up on my progress. I spent two hours this evening doing up my Firefox build page and updating all the necessary pages. I think I'll have to cut back on the detail because I cannot keep this up with all my other classes and projects that I have on the go.

I am a little surprised at the lack of direction in the Open Source class. I did expect a little more hand holding. Today we went over how to build Firefox which was good but I feel there needs to be a little more help with getting started.

What I would have like to have seen was jumping into compiling Firefox in the first week or two with information focused on how to get around Mozilla and find information and documentation then how to reach the community through IRC.

But that's just my two cents.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hey Chris,

Thanks for the feedback. It's good to hear what you'd like to see in the class, and it helps me understand how to aim my talks. I'd be interested to hear more, so send me some mail.
